edg-mkgridpool --list
. There can be workarounds, contact the developer for details on how to do this in your case. If you don't have an LHC/grid cluster, please prefer to run qtop as a non-root user, as normal.
rpm -Uvh http://fotis.web.cern.ch/fotis/QTOP/qtop-46-1.noarch.rpm
directory or /etc
and modified to suite your taste.
yum install qtop
./qtop # try a single run of the utility and check its output
watch -d ./qtop # run it with watch; extremely useful for LRMS dynamic observation
./qtop|less -RS # this is for sites with too many nodes; use arrow keys for navigation
./qtop -c OFF # suppress color use in output (useful if colors appear corrupted); you can also fix this via ~/.qtop/qtop.conf
./qtop -a # try to renumber the names of WNs (useful if result is fishy, renumbering uses range wn[101-999])
./qtop -d # send this for debugging, if for whatever reason output seems strange; read paragraph on Reporting, too.
# ./qtop -h PBS report tool. Please try: watch -d ./qtop . All bugs added by fotisatcerndotch. Usage: (simple vs extended format) ./qtop [-h] [-a] [-c OFF|ON|AUTO] [-f COLORMAPFILE ] [-o WN_COLON] [-p PBSPATH] [-s SOURCEDIR] [-x SUMMARY|NODES|ACCOUNTS] ./qtop [-h] [-a] [-b BDII] [-c OFF|ON|AUTO] [-d] [-f COLORMAPFILE ] [-i PBS] [-j JOBSUFFIX_OVERRIDE] [-l LRMS_OVERRIDE] [-s SOURCEDIR] \ [-n PBSNODES_A] [-p PBSPATH] [-q QSTAT] [-r REPLACE_CHARS] [-s SOURCEDIR] [-u GETUSERS_COMMAND] [-x SUMMARY|NODES|ACCOUNTS] [-w] -a Try WN name remapping This is used in situations where node names are not a pure arithmetic sequence (eg. rocks clusters) -b Local BDII hostname Useful on cluster with grid m/w, to compare values among LRMS and Information System -c OFF|ON|AUTO colormode Select use of ANSI-colored output. AUTO is the default and should work in most cases (sensitive upon input tty) -d Debug information Use twice for extra output; mainly intended for usage by developer/debugging purposes -f Set COLORMAPFILE Describe location of file with the definitions of color output, used for generating ANSI sequences -i Type of LRMS One of TORQUE|PBS|GE|LL|LSF|SLURM|CONDOR (future-proof, currently only the first two are implemented) -j Set JOBSUFFIX_OVERRIDE Use this if autodetection fails. eg. "jobsuffix.subdomain.example.com" -l Set LRMS_OVERRIDE Use this if autodetection fails. eg. "mylrms" -n Set PBSNODES_A command eg. '$PBSPATH/pbsnodes -a' -q Set QSTAT command eg. '$PBSPATH/qstat' -p Set PBSPATH Default is "/usr/bin". Some systems may have the respective pbs commands in PBSPATH='/usr/local/bin' -s Set SOURCEDIR This is useful for offline testing. Directory should contain the stdout of pbsnodes -a , qstat -q , qstat -o Set vertical separator Put vertical bar every WN_COLON nodes. Experimental option, output may be garbled in certain cases -r Character sequence Define a sequence of replacement symbols for the individual user accounts. Experimental option -t Set alternative TMPDIR. qtop creates there a subdirectory and multiple temporary files underneath -u Cmd to get DN mappings Useful on grid CEs. By default, '/opt/edg/sbin/edg-mkgridpool --list' should output the pool account mappings -x Exclude section Exclude in output one or more of SUMMARY|NODES|ACCOUNTS sections -w Autotune, for first run Create a ~/.qtop directory and wget a default colormap file (will overwrite the existing one, so use with care)
If you place them in a single directory and runqstat -q > qstat_q.txt
qstat > qstat.txt
pbsnodes -a > pbsnodes_a.txt
tar -zcvf my_qtop_source_tarball.tar.gz pbsnodes_a.txt qstat_q.txt qstat.txt
./qtop -s mydir/
you should be able to reproduce the exact same effect as the one to be debugged.
Put all these in a tarball (tar.gz) or append them in an email to
(yes, eventually this procedure should get formalized with a bug tracker or such)
A very common cause for trouble is non-uniform worker node names. David O'Callaghan from Trinity College set an example on how to manage such cases:
# Because we have WNs with different domains (.cs.tcd.ie, .grid.cs.tcd.ie) I had to redefine PBSNODES_A in qtop.conf function pbsnodesagrid() { pbsnodes -a | grep -A7 wn[0-9]*.grid.cs.tcd.ie; } PBSNODES_A=pbsnodesagrid # I had to make a function definition, as the command did not work if I put it all on one line.
I | Attachment |   | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
rpm  | qtop-46-1.noarch.rpm | 15.4 K   | 2012-08-07 - 01:30  | FotisGeorgatos  | For SL5/SLC5/RHEL5/CentOS etc rpm-based systems. You can also try: rpm -Uvh qtop-46-1.noarch.rpm |
tgz  | qtop.tar.gz | 19.9 K   | 2012-08-07 - 01:30  | FotisGeorgatos  | The original source tarball, available at qtop.tar.gz |